Ready to lose up to 5 pounds fast—in seven days or less—but don't know how?

 Weight Loss Magic™ is a quick workshop and tutorial bundle to help you begin to lose those pounds when you need it most—right now.

Previously $197

Now only $47!

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Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up again soon!

I’m sharing what I know from my experience and research in losing weight in a healthy manner…

By dreaming of getting thin, but starting small

By beginning with the 7-Day Weight Loss Magic™ program, then scaling to my bigger offers later…

This program has allowed me to personally lose thirty pounds and to keep it off for the past ten years.

This Weight Loss Magic™ workshop was essentially one year in the making…

But it will only take you seven days to lose the weight. 😉

Ready for a quick start to losing your first five pounds and getting healthy—all at the same time?

(Um, OF COURSE you are!)

Grab your Weight Loss Magic™ today!

So... why am I sharing this right now?

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Hi, I’m Melinda Coker!

I’m a health coach, a speaker, and an author. I’ve worked in various ways with hundreds of people helping them lose weight and get healthy.

The idea for Weight Loss Magic™ came to me in the form of a question I asked myself recently...

With SO much up in the air with the corona virus, I know many of my clients are struggling, whether because they are overweight… or because they are worried about their risk factors if they get sick with Covid-19.

Basically, we could all use a quick health injection right now.

So, I asked myself the question: 


“How can I help people who are worried about their weight, lose a quick five pounds… say in 7 days or less… especially right now, when so many people need to reduce their risk factors to stay healthy?”

...I didn’t ask “How can I help them build a lifetime of healthy behaviors?”  That can take a few months.

...didn’t ask “How can I help them lose 30 pounds in an online course?” That can take a few weeks.


I asked “How can I help overweight people lose the most amount of weight in a healthy way in the shortest amount of time?”

I mulled it over, then I circled back to what I know best...

A strategy to create a quick weight loss plan that is pandemic-proof so a person—any type of person—can pivot and begin to get healthy.


SUPER fast…

Like, less-than-seven-days-and-then-it’s-DONE fast.


The strategy I teach inside Weight Loss Magic™ is the same one I used to lower my cholesterol and blood pressure and lose the 30 extra pounds I was carrying around. By the way, I have continued to keep the weight off and my BP and cholesterol numbers have remained in the low (healthy) range for the past ten years.

(Which paved the way to the healthy lifestyle I have today.)

It’s the same strategy I have taught my clients who wanted to lose weight without messing around for weeks or even years.

It’s the same strategy that so many thin, healthy mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers use every single day.

Now, I'm teaching it to YOU.

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So, what's in it for you?

The Weight Loss Magic™ formula works for any type of person—executives, teachers, college students, stay-at-home parents, retirees, nurses, local or global—basically anyone with a kitchen!

If you’re looking for a quick way to lose weight in the next seven days, I’ve got you covered.

Better yet, if you’re looking for a quick weight-loss injection that can quickly turn into a very healthy way of life and keep your virus risk factors very low beyond those seven days, I’ve got you more than covered.

Inside Weight Loss Magic™...

I’m sharing with you some strategies I’ve never shared in any of my other courses or programs.

And I’m sharing this stuff right now because I don’t want you to simply try to lose weight…

I want you to succeed.

And you can 100% …

If you pivot for health with Weight Loss Magic.™

Just join today. 😉

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Grab Weight Loss Magic™ today...

previously $197

Now only $47!

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Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up again soon!

Here's what you'll learn inside Weight Loss Magic™:


How to choose the best foods you can eat for your magic weight loss.

How to develop meal plans with the magic foods so you can lose those 5 pounds in just 7 days, as the "first rung on the ladder." Truly, your weight loss magic™ can be a gateway to everything else your body needs to get thin and healthy!

How to use Weight Loss Magic™ to begin your weight loss journey, even if you think "you will never succeed.”

How to create your meals—simple templates and tutorials included to make this digital product a solution for you. No fancy kitchen skills needed! We've got you covered with all the know-how you need.

How to successfully launch your seven days with Weight Loss Magic™ and reach your first weight loss goal —even if you have failed on numerous diets before. No willpower? No problem!

How to develop a super-simple plan so you lose weight as quickly as possible. Are you diet-averse? Good! You definitely need Weight Loss Magic™ then!

How to leverage the foods you enjoy through your Weight Loss Magic™ to continue to lose weight without starving yourself. After all, with your Weight Loss Magic™, you're able to create a gateway for something I call moving ahead to slim and trim. Basically, you get thin by following the simple plan in Weight Loss Magic™.


And did I mention that you can lose your first 5 pounds in only one week?

Yep. This formula is fast.

Quick weight loss? Check.

Sustainable for longer than a week? Check.

And a proven formula to make it happen in 7 days or less? Checkety check check.

You don’t need tons of time to make this happen.

The name of the game with Weight Loss Magic™ is speed and simplicity.

And of course, weight loss.

Because of that, I’ve laid out this quick workshop so you have an easy-to-implement assignment each day, seven days in a row.

Even if you only have a couple of hours in the evening after the kids go to bed to prepare for the next day…

Or a couple of hours here and there to plan while you’re trying to run a business…

(Or both…)

You can plan your Weight Loss Magic™ meals, and then you can lose weight. Fast.


Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon!

Who is Weight Loss Magic™ for?

Weight Loss Magic™ is right for any—yes, any—type of person, who has access to a kitchen.

Whether you’re an executive with very little time or a retiree who wants to get healthier or even a mother who wants to slim down and have more energy for home-schooling, Weight Loss Magic™ is for you.



By “priming the pump” with the easy-to-follow Weight Loss Magic™, you will be regenerating your health at a time you need it most. You will be far more likely (and excited) to want to travel or socialize if you feel better (once the virus is under control). No sense retiring just to sit on the porch and wait for Covid-19 to pull you down when you can lose a few pounds and throw some of those chronic diseases “under the bus.” For more information on why you want to lose weight, read this blog post.



Looking your best and staying healthy is so important. You know you have put on a few pounds and for your customers and clients to feel good about buying a service or product from you and your company, they want to buy from a winner, without feeling you may not be around for the life of the contract. Losing weight and getting healthy with Weight Loss Magic™ can be a powerful way to assure your customers that you will be around for them, even if they only see you on Zoom!


Mothers and Fathers

If you have children, especially in this time of quarantines and home-schooling, you will want to make sure you have the energy and stamina to deal with everything. Learn how to lose weight, get the energy you need and even learn how to keep your whole family trim and healthy. Regardless of how much weight you need to lose, Weight Loss Magic™ can help you do it.


Just because the world is social distancing doesn’t mean you should stop, eat junk, and let the pounds add on.

But… it might mean you think differently about being healthy.

In a different container… in a different capacity… or even in a different order.

Weight Loss Magic™ allows you to peak into the world of health and create a gateway into losing some weight so you can continue helping your family members and keeping your risk factors low, so you will be around for the long term, regardless of what’s happening in your community, or even the world.

What you get when you grab your copy of 
Weight Loss Magic™:


7-Day Game Plan... get your weight loss magic™ plan launched fast without skipping any important steps.


Meal Plan Template... create high converting meals that absolutely melt the pounds away.


3-Phase Launch Process... get your weight loss magic™ underway, even if you have never succeeded before.


Launch Checklist take the guesswork out of the Magic Weight Loss™ launch process.


Tutorials... help you create meals that you will enjoy, yet still succeed with your weight loss.


The No-Hunger Rule... proprietary system for crafting a weight loss plan without going hungry.


“Holy cow, that’s a ton of stuff for just… $47? For real?!”

Yup. The Weight Loss Magic™ workshop is worth ten or even twenty times what I’m charging.

After all, it’ll help you lose weight—in the short-term and long-term.

BUT my goal here was to make this a no-brainer price for you, whoever you are, wherever you are, because I know overweight people need this strategy NOW.

I don’t want you to lose weight and get healthy someday… I want you to get started TODAY.

So I’ve priced it so you don’t have to hem and haw… you can just grab it and go!


“Wait… when you say Weight Loss Magic™ do you mean, like, physical products?”

Nope! Better than that.

Weight Loss Magic™ is a digital product that you can use over and over with next to no technical skills.

(Actually, you don’t need any technical skills.)

Best of all, we show you how to lose weight through simple solutions so you can do it on your own.

Technically, you won’t need help at all.


My goal is simple:

I want you to lose five pounds in very little time—in the way I know best:

Weight Loss Magic™


“Ok, but will this benefit my unique body and taste buds?”

Short answer:

Yep. No exception. You may be unique, but your body will respond to the time honored concepts behind Weight Loss Magic™.



But—AND THIS IS IMPORTANT—this isn't just any digital product...

This strategy is specific.

This isn’t about just any weight loss product at any low price.

This isn’t random.

This isn’t about luck.

It’s better than that.


The Weight Loss Magic™ framework shows you exactly what it takes to:

  • Create an irresistible eating plan that you love

  • Choose the foods that will keep you on track

  • Simplify your food preparation to give you more time

  • Adapt it to your specific needs

  • Actually rejuvenate your health as you lose those five pounds


I’ve packaged up all of this into a quick workshop and 7-day framework that you can complete and implement in (you guessed it) 7 days—or less.

And I’ve taken my own advice here:

I’ve put this at a no-brainer price so you don’t have to ride the fence for days or even hours.

Why? Because I don’t want you to delay losing those five pounds for days or even hours.

You need this like, yesterday.

But... today will do just fine. 😉

Lock in this low price todayThe price will be going up soon!

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"Why the urgency, Melinda?"

Here’s the thing:

Things are not “business as usual.”

This is a highly unusual time.

Even with things slowly starting to open up, it's going to be a while before things return to any semblance of "normal."


No one alive today has gone through what we’re all going through right now, and no one has the monopoly on how to perfectly handle this uncertain situation.

BUT here are a few things that are certain:

People are still eating.

People still need healthy weight loss.

People still have the same problems they had before the pandemic. Those problems still need solutions, i.e., losing weight and getting as healthy as you can.

And while your current food choices don’t need to change…

Unless you feel compelled to pivot and and lose that extra weight you no longer need so you can survive—and even thrive—in this unusual time.

And if that’s where you are, I want to help you.


Here’s How This Works…

  1. Grab your digital copy of Weight Loss MagicPocket™ here.

  2. You enter your credit card information and then you can get started immediately

  3. Follow the 7-day framework to lose those extra pounds fast.

  4. Take action and feel great about yourself.


Grab Weight Loss Magic™ today...


Now only $47!

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Grab it at this low price today! The price will be going up soon!


You don’t need to count calories, purchase packaged foods, or have fancy tech skills to make this happen.

You just need the Weight Loss Magic™ Formula.

We’ll help you come up with your simple plan, implement it, and lose those 5 pounds.

In 7 days or less.

You need this. No, you deserve this.

You’re ready to become the slim person you know is hiding out behind all of that fat.

(After all, the average person has tried several diet plans and failed…and you are tired of being average... so get on it! 😉)

You are more than ready to lose those first five pounds.

You’re over having to depend on complex plans and counting calories… and you suspect the time to pivot is now.

If you’re ready to pivot for health…

You’re ready for Weight Loss Magic™


Frequently asked questions About Weight Loss Magic™





What if I’m not tech-savvy?

Great! You don't need to be. We've got all of the tutorials and templates to make this easy for you, and better yet, fast for you. By the end of this short program, you'll be able to lose those first five pounds.


Can I be successful with this program when I have failed so many times before?

Of course! This is a systemized course which explains exactly what you need to do and how to do it. If you are ready to succeed, this program is for you. You don’t need previous success to get started.

You just need to... start!

(And of course, join Weight Loss Magic™… here.)


What if I don’t like to cook?

Busy people still have to eat, and with tutorials and templates to make it easy for you, you'll be on your way to a slimmer, healthier body by the end of this program. You got this!


What if I'm already too busy with kids at home full-time and barely have a free hour in my day to do anything?!

I know these times are hard.

But you don't need hours upon hours to put this together. The Weight Loss Magic™ program is a 7-day framework for easy implementation, even if you only have a couple of hours in the evening after the kids go to bed to prepare for the next day. And besides, it’s a great opportunity to teach kids to help you cook.

You got this!


Can I buy this, try this, then ask for a refund?

Due to the digital nature of Weight Loss Magic™—and the fact that you could consume it in just a few, short hours—we do not offer refunds.

The reality? Once you complete and implement Weight Loss Magic™ (and lost your five pounds), you’ll be thinking of a different r-word: Rejuvenation. 😉


what if I am already thin, but I know i need to eat a healthier diet?

Perfect! In this course, there is a special lesson for those needing to gain weight.

Actually, the Weight Loss Magic™ program is perfect for anyone wanting a lifetime of good health and plenty of energy. Just because you’re thin, doesn’t always mean you’re healthy!


When does this start? When do I get access to everything?

It starts as soon as you join! This is a self-paced, quickie workshop, so all you have to do is sign up and you’ll be able to get instant access.

So you can start today! Or tomorrow! Or next week! Or next year! (Though my vote is for starting sooner rather than later!)


How do I join the Weight Loss Magic™ program?

A good question with an easy answer: Click here to join Weight Loss Magic™ today!

This workshop is 1 year in the making…

But it’ll only take you 5 seconds to join and about 7 days to implement!


Get your Weight Loss Magic™ today and give yourself the quick weight loss—and the sustainable health—it needs.

Grab Weight Loss Magic™ today...


Now only $47


Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon!
