Ear Planes

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We made three separate trips during the past week and by the end of the first journey I came down with a sore throat which quickly turned into a cold. During the next two expeditions I was coughing and sneezing. Landings became especially painful. The first leg of our most recent flight was on a regional jet and we flew through a number of storms which made for quite a bumpy ride and created a wonderful opportunity for me to suffer with extreme ear discomfort upon our landing in Detroit. While in the airport waiting for our flight back to Dallas, I spotted a box of EarPlanes and decided to try them. You insert them into your ears at least an hour before landing and they regulate the pressure. I loved them! They helped so much that I plan to stock up so that I will have them for any future flights. They have a child’s size, too. If you suffer from ear discomfort when flying, I would highly recommend that you try the EarPlanes. It looks like you can get them at drug stores or on-line.

© 2010 Melinda Coker

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