Thanksgiving Menu

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I am so much more relaxed this Thanksgiving as I am not fixing the giant spread of years past. We are having a turkey, but instead of roasting one so I can make dressing, we have just ordered and picked up a Greenberg Smoked Turkey. It is the one turkey that EVERYONE loves and was even an Oprah favorite at one time. I will make a tabouleh tonight so it can marinate.

Tomorrow I will only be fixing a sweet potato salad and an avocado and tomato salad. We will have some Sister Shubert’s whole wheat rolls to round it out. My sister-in-law is bringing dessert.

I am looking forward to a stress free Thanksgiving… one where I can actually enjoy the people who are here rather than cooking five or six last minute dishes. And, we will all feel good and healthy rather than full and miserable afterwards. Please enjoy your holiday and give thanks for all you have.