Take Control of Your Health

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People who have been diagnosed with a traumatic medical condition like cancer, heart disease or diabetes many times feel like they are totally in the hands of their doctors, like all of their control has been taken away.

But, you don’t have to be a victim of what’s happened to you or a victim of extensive medical treatment. You can take back some control in order to improve your outcomes. Fit and healthy people have had to learn how to be healthy and you can start your learning right now even in the throes of illness. Look for people who can coach you or find books or web sites with the information you need, i.e., find out what your choices are and then make decisions which will move you towards health.

Doctors have told me that their patients don’t have the time or energy to change their lifestyle. That’s an excuse they are making for you. I know that you are busy and you are probably overwhelmed with all the decisions you are having to make, but let go of the excuses. They just don’t serve you well.

Take control of your body. Don’t give that control to someone else, even your doctor. You’ve got to choose the healthiest way forward. You’ve got to make healthy choices even when it’s challenging, inconvenient or considered weird by your family or friends.

You CAN be a winner!

© 2010-2011 Melinda Coker

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