Are You Killing Your Husband with Kindness?

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As women we encourage our children to engage in healthy habits. We teach them to brush their teeth and to wear their jackets when it’s cold. We take them to the doctor for immunizations and check-ups and we encourage them to get outside to play. We cook for them, give them vitamins and make sure they get enough sleep.

But what happens when the kids are no longer there? Is this the time we begin to kill our husbands with our “kindness?”

Maybe we don’t realize that food can actually be health promoting rather than disease promoting. We want to please our man so we continue fixing him steaks and hamburgers and cookies and pies. I’ve heard too many women say, “My husband hates vegetables,” or “My husband is a meat and potatoes man.” Well if you don’t like him very much, I guess you should go ahead and feed him the foods he loves.

Did you know that heart disease, diabetes and many cancers can be prevented through healthy eating? Maybe it is time to have an honest conversation with your husband and decide to start doing what you can to insure his (and your) continued good health. And if your husband is like most, he will pretty much eat what is available, and that means what is bought at the grocery store and what is cooked at home.

If we want to save our man, we’ve got to learn about healthy cooking and eating and change the ways we try to please him. Why not go on a walk with him or ride around in the golf cart with him? Just stop trying to please him by keeping your freezer stocked with ice cream or baking pies and cakes or even frying chicken. Both of you can get on the healthy meal plan so you can continue to enjoy each other for many years to come.

Let me know how you do!

© 2010-2011 Melinda Coker

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: “Melinda Coker, health coach and author of the book, Diet and Cancer: Is There a Connection?, teaches women around the world how to develop a healthy lifestyle.”

© 2010-2011 Melinda Coker

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: “Melinda Coker, health coach and author of the book, Diet and Cancer: Is There a Connection?, teaches women around the world how to develop a healthy lifestyle.”